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Continuing Education
Expand Your Knowledge

Continuing Ed

Account & Registration Login

Available Classes

Registration for 2024-2025 Continuing Education Classes Available 8/16/24

Once classes have been released on 8/16, use the links above to login to your JATC web account for registration and to view the current Class Schedule. Note – the default Class Schedule list includes only classes for the current month. To view additional options, use the filters on the left to view Classes by Credit, by Location (in-person at the JATC versus online), and by Month. You can also utilize the Search bar and Classes by Certification filter on the right.


To be eligible for participation in JATC Continuing Education Classes you must be an IBEW Union Member or affiliated electrical contractor.

Two Part Class Change

16 Hour NEC Changes Classes have been split into two 8 hour parts. You must register for both parts (or a combination of other credit classes) to attend the full 16 hours. Registration fees have been adjusted accordingly. The MN Department of Labor will not give credit for the same class part taken more than once during a license renewal period, so be sure you don’t register for the same part twice. Example: if you already attended an 8 hour NEC Changes Part 1 class on a Saturday during this renewal period, then you must take an 8 hour NEC Changes Part 2 class on a Sunday or one of our other 8 credit hour classes to get your full 16 hours.

Round Robin

Round Robin classes will be available again in December 2024 and February 2025. This is a two day, 16 credit class that we’ve received great feedback on. Attendees meet in the JATC Commons for a brief introduction and then are assigned to different classrooms. Throughout the weekend, students attend a variety of sessions with different instructors for an exciting and diverse class experience. Catered lunch and breaktime refreshments are included with registration.

Class Reporting

All credit classes are reported to the appropriate state agencies within two weeks of the class end date. To renew your MN license or check you status click here: MN Dept of Labor License Lookup.


Continuing Education certificates have gone digital! To view or print your certificate, login to your JATC web account and click CEU Training in your account menu. A list of your classes will be shown. If you completed the required number of hours, you will be able to click Print Certificate. If you did not complete the required number of hours, red text will appear saying Short of Hours. Certificates are available within two weeks of the class end date. Note – digital certificates are only available for classes 9/2023 or later. You may be able to access certificates prior to this date, but they will lack the required MN Department of Labor course numbers.

Other State Credit

Several of our classes are eligible for credit in other states including North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, and Ohio. Classes eligible for other state credit will have the specific state abbreviations indicated next to Credit Hours. You must sign the appropriate state form at class to receive other state credit. Note – Wisconsin is not currently accepting any classes on the 2023 NEC, so we cannot provide Wisconsin credit at this time.

2023 NEC Books

Active 292 Book 1 members are eligible to receive a 2023 NEC Book at no charge, courtesy of the LMCC. Books are disbursed at continuing education classes or can be picked up in-person at the JATC or 292 Hall. Books can also be mailed for $5 shipping.