What are applicant tours?
Tours for interested applicants are held twice a month at the JATC. Each session includes an informational overview of the apprenticeship program and application process, a tour of the building, and a question and answer session. Tours last approximately 60-90 minutes.
You are welcome to bring a parent or other guest with you to the tour, but space is limited, so be sure to include them in the total count when scheduling your tour date so sessions are not overfilled.
When are tours held?
Tours are conducted the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 1:00pm at the JATC located at 13100 Frankfort Pkwy NE, St. Michael, MN, 55376.
Upcoming Tour Dates
06/05/24 – FULL
06/19/24 – FULL
How do I attend a tour session?
Please email Nicole O’Connor, Workforce Coordinator at noconnor@mplsjatc.org to reserve a spot. Please include the following information in your tour request.
- Name
- Tour date you would like to attend
- Total number of individuals attending in your party
- Phone Number
Space is limited, so if a tour session is full, you will be contacted with additional options. Call 763-307-8562 with any questions or concerns.